Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What's Next ???

The March artist of the month is Robert (PONZ) Ponzio. Here is what he has to say: "Blues Art by PONZ" Musically funky Carved Wood Paintings by Robert Ponzio-- PONZ is an internationally exhibiting artist who is deeply involved in a variety of Art, culture and community exchange projects with schools and communities all over the world. He is Chair of the Fine Arts Department at Oak hall School and coordinator of the Cofrin Gallery. Most recently , PONZ's huge 29'x 10' wood carved/installation "Juke Joint" was put on permanent display at the BB King Museum and Delta Interpretive Center in Indianola,Mississippi. Visit his Blues art website at: http://bluesartbyponz, and his blog at

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What's Up ???

Check out the wild & crazy ( & good!) art in the restaurant now. Here are some photos ( thanks to satchel) of the work-- The first 4 photos are by Gianelle Gelpi. The next 4 are by Megan Kondrath-- Sorry about the wacky post. I've gotta get some help with the new format.